Consulate General of the Republic of Angola in Lisbon


front page / consulate

Our commitment

Bem-vindos (as) à página oficial do Consulate General of the Republic of Angola in Lisbon.

Visando melhor servir a comunidade angolana, investidores, empresários, turistas e todos as pessoas que desejam melhor conhecer Angola, país com inúmeras potencialidades, oportunidades de negócio e um povo acolhedor.

Com intuito de contribuir para o reforço da cooperação bilateral entre Angola e Portugal.

Quero em meu nome pessoal e no do colectivo de funcionários do Consulado Geral da República de Angola em Lisboa estabelecer o presente compromisso que visa promover um relacionamento construtivo entre o Consulado e os seus utentes, visando uma melhor prestação de serviço.

We commit ourselves to:

1 - To provide a quality service to all users, without any kind of discrimination. 2 - To treat users with professionalism, respect and courtesy in a fair and impartial manner. 3 - To provide a clean, safe and comfortable environment, with access and facilities available to meet the basic needs of users, including those with special needs. 4 - To provide accurate and updated information, using clear and simple language, by telephone, in person, or through our website. 5 - To protect the information received from users and their personal data and to facilitate access to appropriate facilities for confidential conversations. 6 - Strive to provide an efficient and punctual service. 7 - To provide users with the necessary means to make comments about our services and staff; to treat comments seriously and promptly, fairly and impartially; and to provide the user with a proper response. 8 - To implement the necessary evaluation measures for the continuous improvement of our services.

We expect from you:

1 - Your collaboration to achieve the desired quality in our service. 2 - Respect and polite treatment to all employees of the Consulate General, as well as recognition of the employee's right to dignity at work. 3 - The respect for the maintenance of the cleanliness, safety and comfort of the facilities and the collaboration in supporting users with special needs. 4 - The use of available means to collect the information necessary to deal with their affairs. 5 - The provision of authentic data and respect for the privacy of other users. 6 - The respect for the information and guidelines received and also for the established deadlines. 7 - The use of available means to present your comments about our services and staff. We welcome the presentation of complaints as well as solutions. 8 - Your contribution towards improving our services by making suggestions.

e Reclamações



Ambassador Vicência Ferreira Morais de Brito

Biographical overview

Embaixadora de carreira, exerceu as funções de Diretora para Europa do MIREX e no passado chefiou a Missão Consular da república de Angola em Londres entre outras funções exercidas no MIREX.


Conceição Mawete


Civil Registry


For communities
Isidro Adriano


Migratory area
Manuel Rezende


Find out our schedule and where we are.